Saturday, June 18, 2011

For the Grandfathers, Fathers & Sons

Sons and Fathers

He carried you on his shoulders
Always remember this:

He offered you his back
To climb upon

So that you could see farther
Than he would ever see

As it should be
Pass it on


Fathers and Sons

He sees a horizon
That we can only imagine

Lifted by his Father
He stands on strong ancestral shoulders

He is a good man
A strong man --

Your son
He rises


  1. A poignant tribute to fathers and sons- sons and fathers. And to those Fathers and Sons I send my respect and love and gratitude. You are fine men. And you, el poquito, are a fine, honorable, caring and loving father. I wish you the very best on this day to honor all fathers and the strong ancestral shoulders they provide for our sons.
    Happy Father's Day!

  2. SO beautiful. Happy Father's Day!
